YouthBuild Cadillac Honors Graduates at Completion Ceremony
The 13 members of the YouthBuild Northwest Cadillac Class of 2013 were recognized for their accomplishments at a special completion ceremony April 22 at the Wexford-Missaukee Career Tech Center. For eight and a half months the students worked in the classroom to earn their GEDs and also learned construction and leadership skills by working on a variety of projects in the community.
“I’ve never accomplished anything in my life,” said Ashley Muske, a YouthBuild student. “Now I have a GED and I just graduated, which is amazing.”
The ceremony included special congratulations in the form of letters that were read from Senator Debbie Stabenow and former President Jimmy Carter. Along with the congratulatory remarks the students were given an opportunity to talk about what YouthBuild meant to them.
“When I started YouthBuild I was told by some people that I wouldn’t last a week because I always used to quit everything I started,” said Veronica Swisher, a YouthBuild student. “I have been in YouthBuild for nine months and I have accomplished so many things. I have made it to the end and I am graduating.”
“They didn’t look at me as a failure,” said Andrew Cain, a YouthBuild student. “They knew they could help me.”
Each of the students received a certificate of completion along with nationally recognized certifications in construction, safety and first aid. They also received a well-deserved thank you for all their hard work in the community.
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Related Info: YouthBuild Northwest | YouthBuild Cadillac | YouthBuild Petoskey
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