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Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail Public Input

Preliminary design efforts are underway to complete the 5-mile northernmost section of the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail from County Road 669/Bohemian Road to County Road 651/Good Harbor Bay. Public input on the trail will be accepted at an Open House Wednesday, August 29, 2018, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the Cleveland Township Hall, 955 W. Harbor Highway, Cedar. In addition to public input received at the Public Open House, a comment form and map are available for you to share your input online. Please use the link below to submit your comments by September 14, 2018. (There will be additional opportunities for comment throughout the preliminary design process.)

Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail Input

Public engagement is critical to the success of this project. Please use the link above to share your input and stay up-to-date on the design process.

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- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager