MiCareerQuest Northwest
MiCareerQuest Northwest 2024 was held May 9
at the Grand Traverse County Civic Center in Traverse City.
More than 2,000 9th graders from northwest Lower Michigan attended the event, which featured 40 exhibitors offering hands-on activities that helped students learn about high-demand, high-wage careers in the region.
Watch the video below to learn more about MiCareerQuest Northwest 2024.
The Virtual MiCareerQuest Northwest 2021 was held on May 12.
Hundreds of 9th and 10th grade students had the opportunity to learn about a variety of careers by connecting online with nearly 50 employers and training providers.
Thousands of other students will be able to watch videos of the employer presentations recorded during the live event.
To view those videos visit the MiCareerQuest Northwest Video Library by clicking on the link below.
Virtual MiCareerQuest Northwest 2021 Video Library
MiCareerQuest™ was created in 2015 by Michigan Works! Kent, Allegan & Barry Counties (now West Michigan Works!), Kent ISD and the Construction Workforce Development Alliance (CWDA) in response to employers' need for future talent in Construction, Healthcare, Information Technology, and Manufacturing.
MiCareerQuest™ is an employer-driven event. Employer champions - assisted by Michigan Works! staff - drive employer participation and the creation of student activities.
MiCareerQuest™ engages students through one-on-one conversations with professionals and hands-on activities that allow students to experience and hopefully, spark an interest in, the various careers. Regional ISDs drive student participation.
“Filling tomorrow’s talent pipeline is directly dependent on engaging today’s youth. It is important our students have an understanding and appreciation for locally and regionally available occupations. MiCareerQuest is an incredible opportunity to bring employer and student together. No other event offers such a hands-on interactive career exploration experience. Students leave better informed, more aware, and highly energized for Northwest Michigan’s in-demand industries.”
Terry Vandercook
Northwest Michigan Works!
“With an aging workforce on the brink of retirement, employers are concerned about their future workforce. We need to expose youth to a variety of occupations and career pathways now so that they’re aware of all the possibilities that exist for careers in West Michigan’s high-demand industries. MiCareerQuest allows students to talk with professionals, ask questions, use tools of the trade. It gets them thinking about what kind of work might appeal to them and informs decisions that impact their future.”
Jacob Maas
Chief Executive Officer
West Michigan Works!
“Career exploration needs to be an integrated approach and a multidisciplinary concept. Extending career exploration beyond the walls of the school and creating opportunities for students to engage with business professionals is so important. MiCareerQuest provides students with these critical opportunities, focusing on the highest-demand fields, and providing them with an environment in which they can explore different career paths, by conducting fun experiments.”
Wanda Stokes
Talent Investment Agency
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Networks Northwest always proves to be a valued resource for our local government planning efforts. No organization does a better job of convening partners, promoting collaboration, and reporting on the data than does Networks Northwest
- Ty Wessell, Leelanau County Commissioner