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Job Seekers Learn About Current Openings at Hot Jobs Now Event in Cadillac


Northwest Michigan Works! in Cadillac hosted its first ever Hot Jobs Now event to give job seekers a chance to learn about four local employers and their current job openings. Watch the video to find out more.


The first ever Hot Jobs Now event at Northwest Michigan Works! in Cadillac attracted a room full of job seekers who got to find out about current job openings from four local employers. Representatives from Caberfae Peaks, Manpower, Meijer, and The Home Depot each talked about what they had to offer to job seekers. After the presentations each of the employers conducted on-the-spot interviews. Caberfae Peaks Manager Pete Meyer said the event was a good way for him and the other employers to showcase their employment opportunities and meet a lot of potential employees in a short period of time.



“We end up bringing on quite a bit of staff just for the winter season and it’s a great connector between us and those looking for jobs,” said Meyer. “It’s a great opportunity for educating those job seekers about our business and what we do and what we offer.”






See photo gallery of this event.






Related info:  Job Seeker Services  |  Career Connection  |  Veterans Job Search

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