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Charlevoix County Student Receives Michigan Works! Award

A young woman from East Jordan has received special recognition from Northwest Michigan Works!. Lisa Clark is the Youth Program Customer of the Year.

Clark is a 2012 graduate of the Beaver Island Lighthouse School where she was the valedictorian and recipient of the 10-10-10 Scholarship. She is now a student in the Culinary Arts Program at Northwestern Michigan College in Traverse City and is working full time at a Phil’s on Front in Traverse City.

“Lisa has been a shining star in our Michigan Works! Youth Program since day one,” said Elaine Wood, CEO of the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments. “She found her niche and the right kind of support at the Beaver Island Lighthouse School and there’s nothing stopping her now.”

Clark received her award at the June 10 meeting of the Northwest Michigan Workforce Development Board in Traverse City. The Board also presented other awards to several northwest Michigan workers and businesses who have participated in Michigan Works! programs.

In the photo (above): Dave Adams, Chairman, Northwest Michigan Workforce Development Board; Lisa Clark; Mark Hittle, Clark’s boyfriend; and Ken Roehling, Education Specialist, Beaver Island Lighthouse School



Related Info:  Beaver Island Lighthouse School  |  Northwest Michigan Works! Youth



Northwest Michigan Works! is an essential resource for employers and job seekers in the Northern Michigan area.
- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager