Career Advisory Group Visits NMC's Unmanned Systems Program
The Talent District Career Council (TDCC) of the Networks Northwest Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Board on educational issues. The TDCC held its February meeting at Northwestern Michigan College (NMC) in Traverse City where they toured NMC’s Unmanned Systems Program.
NMC is a leader in Unmanned Systems Programs, with an Aerial Systems Program that is number five in the country. NMC is also the only school in the country offering both associate and bachelor’s degrees specializing in underwater Remote Operated Vehicles.
NMC’s Technical Division Director, Ed Bailey, says the tour gave TDCC members an opportunity to learn about some of NMC’s unique programs.
“The other big plus is the collaboration that comes out of this,” said Bailey. “We develop articulation agreements, partnership agreements, and any kind of way to benefit students in our region towards technical careers.”
Networks Northwest always proves to be a valued resource for our local government planning efforts. No organization does a better job of convening partners, promoting collaboration, and reporting on the data than does Networks Northwest
- Ty Wessell, Leelanau County Commissioner