Business Expansion in Charlevoix County Wins State Approval
LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Economic Development Corporation today announced Michigan Strategic Fund approvals of incentives and grants to seven projects across the state that in total will mean nearly $111.1 million in private investment and 333 new jobs in Michigan.
“Today’s wide ranging new projects will all lead to greater economic opportunities for people across Michigan,” said Gov. Rick Snyder. “These new investments demonstrate that Michigan is proving to be a more attractive place to do business and create jobs and reinforce once again that Michigan is America's Comeback State."
The MSF-approved projects include one in the Thumb region, two in Southeast Michigan, two in Grand Rapids and two in Northern Michigan.
In northwest Lower Michigan, Charlevoix County has received $350,000 in CDBG funds for job training for the Precision Edge Surgical Products expansion project in Boyne City. Precision Edge Surgical Products, LLC, headquartered in Sault Ste. Marie, plans to expand its Boyne City facility by adding $2 million in equipment and creating 30 new jobs. The company has agreed that at least 16 of the positions will be held by low to moderate income individuals. Boyne City plans to support the project through property tax abatements valued at $251,000.
Pure Michigan is a brand representing business, talent and tourism initiatives across Michigan. These efforts are driven by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, which serves as the state’s marketing arm and lead advocate for business growth, jobs and opportunity with a focus on helping grow Michigan’s economy.
For more on the MEDC and its initiatives, visit: For Michigan travel news, updates and information, visit
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- Ty Wessell, Leelanau County Commissioner