Dickson Township Master Plan
planning for dickson township's future
Dickson Township will coordinate with Community Planners from Networks Northwest to create a Master Plan document. This planning effort, which will be conducted through the Dickson Township Planning Commission, will involve various "pop-up events", as well as a community open house. The Master Plan, sometimes referred to as the Comprehensive Plan, is a municipal document that describes the various intricacies of the community: its past, present and future. The Master Plan is a community input-driven guidebook that helps local leaders and members of the public to accomplish goals and objectives for a better future. For Michigan communities utilizing zoning to regulate its land use, the Master Plan is required under the Michigan Planning Enabling Act (MPEA) (Act 33 of 2008) and is reviewed every 5 years.
There are multiple opportunities to participate in the Dickson Township planning process:
- Attend Planning Commission meetings and special Master Planning meetings (check Township Hall and this webpage for meeting dates)
See the planning team at 2 pop-up events - Oct. 3rd at Kaleva Norman Dickson Schools from 4-8pm AND October 29th at the local Trunk-or-Treat event (Dickson Township Park on Coates Hwy, 2-4pm)Public input session
Public Hearing & 63-Day Review Period
The DRAFT Dickson Township Master Plan will begin its 63-day public review period on Tuesday October 22nd. Following this timeframe, the Township Board will host a Public Hearing to hear final comments and edits on the document. During this time, please review the draft plan on this webpage (click the image below) or via a paper copy kept at the Township Hall. Please email Zach Vega (zach.vega@networksnorthwest.org) with any comments or desired edits.
January 15, 2025 at 6pm
Dickson Township Hall
14270 N Coates Hwy
Brethren, MI 49619
Questions and comments can be directed to:
Zach Vega, AICP, Community Planner
Networks Northwest
E: zach.vega@networksnorthwest.org
P: 231-342-0903
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