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Emmet County

2025 Hazard Mitigation Plan 

Networks Northwest is assisting the Emmet County Office of Emergency Management with updating the County's 2016 Hazard Mitigation Plan.  To be eligible for pre-disaster mitigation project grants awarded by FEMA, local jurisdictions must contribute to the creation of the plan to be considered participants in the plan's development, and adopt the plan once it passes MSP/FEMA review.

Draft plan materials as of 12/23/24 available for review/editing by the Hazards Task Force (County LEPC members and plan stakeholders):

Update Process

  • Phase I: Data collection, including an online community survey.  The survey results will be utilized to obtain input from community members on past hazard mitigation projects/events, current concerns regarding hazard mitigation and preparedness, and potential hazard mitigation strategies.
  • Phase II: Hazard identification and risk assessment.
  • Phase III: Review and update hazard mitigation goals, priority areas, and implementation strategies.
  • Phase IV: Draft plan public comment period. Post the plan electronically and meet with the public for comments.  Incorporate feedback from the public review period and make final edits to the plan.  Upon review of the final draft plan and following the public hearing, Emmet County officials will decide if the draft plan should be sent to Michigan State Police Homeland Security Division for review/preliminary approval and then on to FEMA for their review and approval. 
  • Phase V: Plan Adoption.  Facilitate the FEMA-approved plan adoption process with the County Board of Commissioners and local officials. 

Meetings and Documentation

Natural hazard plan work-related meeting dates, times, and presentation materials will be posted here as they become available.  All meetings are open to the public.  Many of these meetings are held in conjunction with the Emmet County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), and are held at 10:00 a.m. at the Emmet County EMS Facility, at 1201 Eppler Rd., Petoskey, MI 49770, unless otherwise stated.  Please contact Matthew Blythe, Emmet County Emergency Managment Coordinator, if you would like to attend an LEPC meeting via Zoom instead of in person.

HM Plan Meetings

  • LEPC 10/5/2022  Project Overview and Community Profile Presentation
  • LEPC 01/04/2023 Historic Events and Hazard Identification Presentation
  • Community Meeting 03/14/2023 on Natural Hazards and Survey Results  Presentation
  • LEPC/Community Meeting 04/05/2023 on Technological and Human-Induced Hazards and Survey Results  Presentation


Our Township greatly benefits from Network Northwest's experience, depth of knowledge and understanding. Because they work with so many diverse communities in our ten-county region they understand the local land-use issues and are already working on solutions by the time we realize we need some help.
- Susan Odom, Chair, Suttons Bay Township Planning Commission