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Regional Prosperity Plan

Framework Summary Document

The Framework for Our Future: A Regional Prosperity Plan for Northwest Michigan is a regional resource for communities working to meet local goals. The Framework was developed with participation from a broad range of community leaders, stakeholders, and the public, as part of Michigan’s Regional Prosperity Initiative. It includes a wealth of information and tools that all parts of the community – the public, community leaders, businesses, nonprofits, public agencies, and statewide stakeholders – can use to supplement their local deliberation, planning, and decision-making processes. 

The Framework is a starting point for community discussions and action around important community development issues. While it does not, and cannot, comprehensively address the enormous breadth of community data and issues associated with these issues, ongoing community participation, deliberation, and action will help to make this document a valuable resource that can support community planning and action over the long term. 

The Framework for Our Future: A Regional Prosperity Plan for Northwest Michigan provides a brief introduction to each of the issues addressed in detail by the Framework for Our Future, highlighting facts, goals, strategies, and actions that provide a snapshot of the main issues and solutions identified in the Framework for Our Future

Links to each of the Framework chapters are available below. The summary document is also provided for your convenience: A Framework for Our Future: A Regional Prosperity Plan for Northwest Michigan


Chapters and Related Documents:



A Framework for Growth & Investment in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Growth & Investment in Northwest Michigan

Northwest Michigan Commercial Corridor Inventories

Northwest Michigan Seasonal Population Analysis

Northern Michigan Community Placemaking Guidebook


A Framework for Transportation in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Transportation in Northwest Michigan

Transportation Improvement Plan

A Citizen's Guide to Transportation Planning

Accessing Healthcare: Non-Emergency Transportation


A Framework for Housing in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Housing in Northwest Michigan

County Housing Inventories

County Housing Target Market Analyses

Growing Business with Workforce Housing


A Framework for Talent in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Talent in Northwest Michigan

Northwest Michigan Manufacturing Needs Assessment

Employer Roundtables 2015 - Summary

Hot Jobs Flyer REV April 2022 (one page)

Growing Business with Workforce Housing

Employee Retention Guidebook - Full Version

Employee Retention Guidebook - Overview


A Framework for Recreation in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Recreation in Northwest Michigan


A Framework for Natural Resources in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Natural Resources in Northwest Michigan


A Framework for Healthy Communities in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Healthy Communities in Northwest Michigan


Making Connections:

Understanding Community Health, Safety, & Welfare in Northwest Michigan

Understanding Community Health, Safety, and Welfare in Northwest Michigan


A Framework for Food and Farming in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Food & Farming in Northwest Michigan


A Framework for Arts and Culture in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Arts & Culture in Northwest Michigan







Northwest Michigan Works! is an essential resource for employers and job seekers in the Northern Michigan area.
- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager