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GIS Mapping Services

What is GIS?

GIS stands for Geographic Information System. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) defines GIS as “a collection of computer hardware, software, and geographic data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.” A GIS is a system that allows the user to create data, collect data, analyze data, and map data. If something has a physical location it can be put into a GIS.


What can a GIS do for you?

A GIS has almost limitless applications. A GIS can help with site selection, master plan updates, recreation planning, business planning, transportation planning, private-use maps, crime analysis, and so much more.


What can Networks Northwest do for you?

Networks Northwest provides high-quality mapping services to the region. We offer a variety of fee-based mapping services to help you with all of your GIS needs. We can customize maps specific to your needs. Some of the available data we have for mapping includes:

Base Layers
Roads, Lakes & Ponds, Rivers & Streams, Railroads, County Boundaries, Twp Boundaries, City & Village Boundaries, Section Lines

Other Layers
Digital Elevation Models, Hillshade Relief, Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles, 10-meter Contour Lines, Census Data, Potential Flood Prone Areas, Landslide Zones, Landmarks, Land Cover, Land Use, Public Lands, School Districts, Soils, Watersheds, Wetlands, Zip Codes


Service Request

For more information, contact:   
Mathew Cooke, Community Planner, Networks Northwest
Email:  Phone: 231-929-5056

The professionals at Networks Northwest help our City Council, Planning Commission, and staff make thoughtful decisions to ensure our community is sustainable and resilient for many years to come.
- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager