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Northwest Michigan Works! Connects Jobseeker With Professional Job

Sharon Swogger sitting at deskWhen Sharon Swogger left a part-time position to look for a full-time job, she found out first hand just how competitive the job market was, even for someone like her with an accounting degree and plenty of experience.

"They had hundreds of applicants for every job," said Swogger. "Unless you knew somebody that could get your résumé on somebody's desk you wouldn't get a call."

After four months of job hunting, Swogger's neighbor told her she should talk with Northwest Michigan WORKS! Business Liaison Michelle Socha. Swogger says she didn't know that Michigan WORKS! offered help to professionals looking for jobs.

Sharon Swogger reaching to get papers"I assumed it was more for entry level type work or even factory positions, not professional work, so it surprised me."

Socha knew about an opening for an operations associate at hemming &, a Traverse City financial planning business, so she sent them Swogger's résumé.

"When we got her résumé I called her up based on the referral from Michigan WORKS!," said Meghan Dykstra, an investment advisor at hemming &. "We always take those referrals seriously since we've had success in the past."

"This job and my résumé couldn't have matched more perfectly," said Swogger.

Besides landing the job, Swogger also qualified for the On The Job Training program through Michigan WORKS!, which can pay a portion of an employee's wages for an agreed upon training period.

Sharon Swogger sitting at table with person having a discussion"That was a great, unexpected benefit," said Dykstra. "It really allowed us to provide training to Sharon on some of the technology that she wasn't familiar with."

Both Swogger and her new employer are very happy with the way things worked out.

"You're looking for someone to fit the culture of your environment," said Dykstra. "It's nice to work with someone like Michelle at Michigan WORKS! who has an understanding of your environment."

"It was just perfect the way it worked out," said Swogger. "They really helped and made my job search much, much easier."


Related Info:  Northwest Michigan Works!  |  Job Openings in Northwest Michigan  |  Business Liaisons in Northwest Michigan



Northwest Michigan Works! is an essential resource for employers and job seekers in the Northern Michigan area.
- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager