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Northwest Michigan PTAC Director Receives Defense Industry Award

TRAVERSE CITY, MI – The Director of the Northwest Michigan Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) has been recognized for her work with the defense industry. Cathy Fairbanks received the 2018 Women in Defense (WID) Michigan Chapter Horizon Industry Award. The award was presented at the organization’s Annual Black Tie Gala, November 9 in Rochester, Michigan.

Fairbanks was nominated for the Horizon Award by General Dynamics Land Systems for her work in business development. She co-chaired an Industry Day that brought together all the Michigan PTACs and General Dynamics’ ten business units so they could meet and network with defense industry suppliers, buyers, and customers.

In the award nomination, General Dynamics officials said because of the industry day there will be increased spending in Michigan, bringing more awareness to Michigan suppliers and the various industries in this state.

Women in Defense (WID) Michigan Chapter, A National Security Organization, is a non-profit professional networking and development organization for women and men across Michigan who contribute to national defense and security. Formed in 2007, the Michigan Chapter seeks to strengthen and influence the defense and national security industry by inspiring women, cultivating leadership, and growing professional relationships.

The Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) provides no fee assistance to businesses interested in doing business with state and federal government agencies. The mission of the PTAC is to enhance national defense and the economic development of the State of Michigan by helping area business secure local, state, and federal government contracts.

The Northwest Michigan PTAC is a program of Networks Northwest and serves the entire Upper Peninsula and 10 counties in the Northwest Lower Peninsula. The Northwest Michigan Procurement Technical Assistance Center is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Defense Logistics Agency and in part by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC).

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Northwest Michigan Works! is an essential resource for employers and job seekers in the Northern Michigan area.
- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager