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Habitat for Humanity and SEEDS Recognized During State of Michigan Race to Talent Event

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News Release                           


September 19, 2024

NORTHERN LOWER, MI— Habitat for Humanity Grand Traverse Region and SEEDS Ecology and Education Centers were recognized for being Champions of US Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship during the State of Michigan Race to Talent event on September 9th at the 2024 Annual Michigan Works! Conference in Traverse City, MI.  Northwest Michigan Works! conveyed the honor, in partnership with the State Apprenticeship Expansion team at the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. 

Apprentice Dakota Hughes-Johnston from Habitat for Humanity and Ryan Buck, SEEDS Senior Philanthropy Officer shared their registered apprenticeship experience and how the programs have benefited their organizations and teams.  Both employers have a variety of registered apprenticeship programs including carpentry, customer service and landscape management technician. SEEDS was also recognized during a US Department of Labor pre-apprenticeship presentation featuring Larisa Stone, a youth carpenter apprentice. 

Registered under the Northwest Michigan Works! U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) Standards of Apprenticeship, Habitat for Humanity and SEEDS were presented with the Race to Talent, Registered Apprenticeship Champion Award for providing comprehensive quality training to all their apprentices. 

“Hosting registered apprenticeships in SEEDS EcoCorps for Landscape Management (Ecological) and Carpentry has provided SEEDS, as an employer, with valuable resources to work with select employees to strengthen their skill sets, elevating the capacity of our team and providing career-building credentials for our apprentices” mentioned Jennifer Flynn, Program Director, EcoCorps, SEEDS Ecology and Education Centers.

“Networks Northwest Apprenticeship Program has created invaluable training and growth opportunities for Habitat for Humanity Grand Traverse Region. Through hands-on learning and technical training, apprentices gain skills and experience that pave the way for their future success and benefit for our organization,” stated Angela Clem, Director of Operations, Habitat for Humanity, Grand Traverse Region.  SEEDS has been a registered employer since February of 2021 while Habitat for Humanity joined the program in April of 2022.

Registered apprenticeships are certified through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor and are a proven training method for employers to build a talent pipeline of highly skilled, educated employees. Northwest Michigan Works! provides technical assistance and administrative support for registered apprenticeships, including development, implementation and program management.


Our Township greatly benefits from Network Northwest's experience, depth of knowledge and understanding. Because they work with so many diverse communities in our ten-county region they understand the local land-use issues and are already working on solutions by the time we realize we need some help.
- Susan Odom, Chair, Suttons Bay Township Planning Commission