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Building a Recovery-Friendly Workplace Event October 18 in Cadillac

News Release
September 20, 2022

TRAVERSE CITY, MI—The ongoing opioid epidemic in the U.S. is making it important for businesses to understand how they can attract and retain talent by creating a recovery-friendly workplace. Resources to help businesses do that will be featured at “Building a Recovery-Friendly Workplace” October 18 in Cadillac. The event will run from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, at Northwest Michigan Works!, 401 N. Lake Street.

The event will include information about HR compliance strategies, including the Americans with Disabilities Act; the stigma associated with recovery; and strategies to build a recovery-friendly workplace.

There will also be a panel discussion featuring:

·         Timothy Hudson with the Michigan Opioid Collaborative

·         Lindsay Raymond, Employment Law Attorney, Danbrook Adams Raymond PLC

·         Caitlin Koucky, Executive Director, Community Recovery Alliance

There is no charge to attend the event and lunch will be provided. Seating is limited. Registration is available at

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