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Northwest Michigan Works! Business Liaison Receives Statewide Recognition

Northwest Michigan Works! Business Liaison Michelle Socha received the Challenge of Excellence Impact Award October 5 at the Michigan Works! Association Annual Conference in Mount Pleasant. Socha was recognized for her dedication and outstanding contributions to workforce development. The award was presented by Governor Rick Snyder.

Socha has worked for the agency for nearly 30 years and has been an invaluable resource for local employers. When asked about Socha, her team members most often use the word “energy.” She has the highest case load of employers, writes the most OJTs, provides the largest volume of new services to customers, mentors new staff, and still makes time to meet with job seekers. She has been a key contact for coordinating job fairs, recruiting events, and customized training programs. Socha prides herself on going above and beyond to serve her customers.

“For the last ten years, I have been able to rest assured that there is someone in Traverse City who knows my company very well, and knows exactly what I need. That person is Michelle Socha,” said a local employer.

Michelle’s enthusiasm for serving local employers is infectious. She inspires others to give their all. She is respected by the entire staff, her customers, local partners, and the administration. Her impact on Northwest Michigan Works! is clear; her impact on the community is immeasurable.

The professionals at Networks Northwest help our City Council, Planning Commission, and staff make thoughtful decisions to ensure our community is sustainable and resilient for many years to come.
- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager